Page 82 - Catalogue 16-17
P. 82
pens & writing

82- 20427 Sheaff er® Sentinel® Colours Ballpen
Best-selling entry-level push action ball pen. Classic
slim profi le with brushed chrome cap and coloured
barrel. Presented in a gift box. One year warranty.
Print area: 40 x 25mm

82- 20431 Sheaff er® Sentinel® Chrome Ballpen
Best-selling entry-level push action ball pen. Classic
slim profi le with brushed chrome fi nish and chrome
trim. Presented in a gift box. One year warranty.
Print area: 35 x 5mm

82- 20443 Sheaff er® VFM Ballpen
An array of striking colours, complete with chrome
trim and a rounded, contemporary profi le. Push
button mechanism. Fitted with a 'best-in-class' black
ink refi ll. Presented in a standard gift box, complete
with one year warranty.
Print area: 30 x 5mm

82- 20434 Sheaff er® 100 Ballpen
Robust ballpen with smooth, twist-action
mechanism. Available in a selection of gloss fi nishes
with chrome trim. Presented in a luxury Sheaff er gift
box. One year warranty.
Print area: 30 x 4mm

82- 20513 Sheaff er® Intensity® Ballpen
Streamlined profi le, twist-action mechanism, crafted
from carbon fi bre with chrome cap and chrome trim
or onyx and chrome fi nish. Presented in a luxury gift
box. Three year warranty.
Print area: 30 x 6mm

82- 20514 Sheaff er® Prelude® Ballpen
Ballpen with a comfortable and balanced cigar
shaped profi le. Presented in a luxury gift box.
Complete with lifetime warranty.
Print area: 36 x 5mm

82- 20512 Sheaff er® Award Ballpen
Robust ballpoint pen features rubberised grip for the
ultimate in writing comfort. Presented in a standard
gift box. Fitted with a black ink 'K' refi ll for a superior
write out. Complete with one year warranty.
Print area: 35 x 5mm

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination, carriage and VAT extra
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